Image Acts is the name used by Aylin Kuryel and Fırat Yücel to bring together some of the film, video, sound, and text work they produce in collaboration, in contact, or independently. It is not a company or an organisation, nor does it have any legal personality. Rather, it is an audiovisual basin that takes shape as they produce. The name Image Acts comes from Aylin Kuryel's doctoral thesis. The letter play in the logo (Image→İmge) points to the Turkish version of the name (İmge Eylemleri) and most of the work compiled here is concerned with image politics.
Aylin Kuryel and Fırat Yücel continue to film, edit, produce in partnership since 2015. You can access works of the duo after this date from the title menu Works, and some of their other works on the Related page. Kuryel and Yücel recently publicized two documentaries they completed in 2023, 8 March, 2020: A Memoir and Translating Ulysses, one short and one feature-length, under the Image Acts logo. Although Image Acts does not yet have a finished manifesto, you can access some notes taken by the duo in this direction, during shooting/editing from the link below. To be continued.